
Intervention Program for English and Mathematics

As part of our school’s continued effort to improve our students’ academic performance, we have launched an intervention program to be conducted on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

The aim of the program is to raise attainment standards for underperforming children in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy, and to enable them to make accelerated progress and attain the required performance level in these core areas.

This intervention program is a well-structured educational program designed to support students who are falling behind in studies for various reasons. Throughout this program, students’ progress will be evaluated and monitored carefully, and their performance evaluation will be provided to parents on a regular basis. The classes will be handled in smaller groups for specific students only (5 – 8 students per class).


Fee: THB 7,000 per session (one session is 6 Saturdays)